Watch: Nearly 800,000+ Open Jobs is the Focus of CBS Morning

In an appearance on CBS Mornings, National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO and Manufacturing Institute Board Chair Jay Timmons addressed the issue of finding enough skilled workers to fill available jobs in the manufacturing industry. According to Timmons, there are “More jobs than we have people to fill them, about 1.5 jobs for every one worker” and “now it’s kind like all hands on deck … we’ve got to fill these jobs that are open.”

The morning show feature highlighted that approximately 800,000 open jobs in manufacturing currently exist in the United States and that the average salary of a manufacturing worker is more than $30 per hour. In other words, there are plenty of opportunities available for individuals looking for a rewarding career in modern manufacturing.

However, misperceptions about modern manufacturing careers remain an obstacle in closing the gap between job openings and qualified applicants. To combat this challenge, the National Association of Manufacturers and the Manufacturing Institute’s Creators Wanted campaign continues to advance in educating, inspiring and empowering a new generation of manufacturers in the United States and recruiting manufacturers today. The campaign recently surpassed 1 million email signups by students and potential career influencers, who want to learn more about modern manufacturing.

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