On April 8, join The National Association of Manufacturers, The Manufacturing Institute and BASF for this exciting program highlighting the benefits of apprenticeship programs in the manufacturing industry. Apprenticeship programs allow those looking for a career in manufacturing to learn the hands on skills to transition into well-paying, diverse careers in critical disciplines across the manufacturing industry.
BASF—a leader in creating chemistry for a sustainable future—is kicking off their apprenticeship program in Seneca, SC. The North American Apprenticeship Development Program allows students to earn while they learn on their pathway into a rewarding career in manufacturing. BASF pays apprentices a competitive wage and covers the cost of tuition, books and fees related to the credentials earned while in the program. Upon completion of the program, apprentices are placed in permanent, full-time positions. In this program, participants will hear first hand from BASF creators in operator roles who are working everyday to find solutions to complex challenges using skill, creativity and innovation.
Speakers include:
- Susan Emmerich, Ph.D., North American Apprenticeship Development Program Project Implementation Manager, BASF
- BASF Production Technicians: Lauren Bucco, Deanna Hill and Christina Eddleman
- David Sanders, Operations Manager, BASF
- Galen DeHay, President, Tri-County Technical College
- Bryan Manuel Dean, Integrated Workforce Solutions, Tri-County Technical College
How to Join
Tune in on Thursday, April 8, 12:00-1:00 p.m. EDT/ 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. CDT/ 9:00-10:00 a.m. PDT on live.creatorswanted.org to participate.